The only thing worse than teeth grinding is the sound of teeth grinding

Some think it’s nails on a chalkboard. Others think it’s a cat or a dog about to vomit. Perhaps it could be chewing with one’s mouth open. But for us at Adaven Children’s Dentistry, we believe the worst sound ever is that of a child grinding his or her teeth. Ack! A child grinding their […]
Time to Seal the Deal? Benefits of Dental Sealants

What if I told you that a simple and inexpensive procedure could give your child an 80% chance of NOT getting a cavity? No, I’m not talking about giving your baby false teeth. I’m talking about a painless procedure that takes about 1-2 minutes per tooth and has benefits that can last a lifetime. Sound […]
Bad breath, good grief! Why Your Kid May Have Bad Breath And How To Help
People always talk about how sweet baby breath is. There is a reason you don’t hear them melt over toddler breath or the breath of older kids. That’s because often times our kids breath changes over time. Sometime we even come to the conclusion that our kids have bad breath. It’s never an easy thing […]
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
When a child has a loose tooth, especially the first loose tooth, the feelings they experience can be vastly unpredictable. There are kids who don’t want any adult to touch it, much less even look at it, because they’re scared it could be painful. Some cannot stop playing with it out of curiosity. Others are […]
Brace Yourself: All The Details You Need to Know About Visiting an Orthodontist
When I was in high school, my parents were in the “wait and see” boat when it came to me getting braces. My teeth “weren’t that bad” according to my dad. Next thing I know I am a Senior in High School with braces. Upon reflection, I’m so glad I got them — I just […]
6 Tips to Help Keep Your Kids Teeth Healthy Through Halloween
To parents, Halloween is about little ones dressing up as their favorite super hero, princess or cartoon character and seeing spider webs witches and other spooky decorations. To kids, it’s really about one thing — candy! Candy, in moderation of course, is something that is apart of every Halloween holiday but if not careful it […]
Can Children Be At Risk For Periodontal Disease?
Periodontal disease can have a significantly adverse impact upon one’s oral and general health. Some parents might express concerns over whether this potentially serious dental ailment impacts children. Adaven Children’s Dentistry, which serves the young people of Henderson, Nevada and surrounding regions, invites concerned adults to read the following short blog attempting to answer this […]
How To Prevent And Fix Buck Teeth, Overbite, & Negative Effects From Thumb Sucking
Thumb sucking is one of the most common ways for a baby or toddler to self soothe, but it can also be one of the most difficult habits for a young child to break. As children get older, thumb sucking can have negative effects on their mouths and even cause damage to their teeth. What […]
Importance Of Parents Helping With Their Child’s Dental Hygiene
As a parent, you can play a vital role in helping your child develop good habits for dental hygiene that will follow them into adulthood. Good oral health can impact the overall health of any person, making it extremely important to help children establish a good foundation in maintaining their dental hygiene. Why A Child’s […]
The Grossest Ways Kids Use Their Teeth
Children often have a bad habit of using their teeth for more than just chewing. Whether they simply put things in their mouth that they shouldn’t or they use their teeth to open something dirty, when children use their teeth improperly they are at a higher risk of tooth damage or tooth loss. A damaged […]